Tuesday 24 February 2009

Arsenal - Luton - Arsenal

Today was down as an interval day. But how could I incorporate intervals into a 64 mile commuting trip with a fat rucksack on my back. Yes the challenge was to execute 6 x 4 vo2 max intervals going to Luton and 2 x 20 threshold intervals on the return to Arsenal. Essentially I waited for long draggy bits and hammered it where I could on the outward bound journey. I seem to recall St Albans to Harpenden and then Harpenden to Luton were the best spots.

On the return journey I tried to ride at threshold for significant portions mostly where traffic lights and junctions were not present. I arrived home knackered, showered changed and got myself down Soho. More intense atheletic experessionism? Yes but in the musical form. Myself and some friends had a great evening out at Ronnie Scotts

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