Tuesday 15 April 2008

Tales From Hillingdon

I had a bet with my brother that he couldn't tell me the first line to Jam's 'Town called Malice'. It was the first record he ever bought and whenever we play the 'Give me a lyric fom artist X game' he tries to get away with mumbling some incoherent nonsense. Same melody perhaps but definitley not written by Paul Weller. I had to google the lyrics first of course, so just for my little bro here's the entire first verse

Better stop dreaming of the quiet life
'Cos it's the one we'll never know
And quit running for that runaway bus
'Cos those rosy days are few
And stop apologising for the things you've never done
'Cos time is short and life is cruel
But it's up to us to change
This town called malice

Hey but what if someone googles your name. A client recently googled my name and now loves to ask me how many points I got in my last race. A bit weird, I kinda like to keep my cycling stuff with my cycling peeps. Anyways talking about points, tonight I was at West London's cycling Mecca again - Hillingdon. A much bigger meaner looking bunch were in attendence unlike Saturday. In short, the E123 race was fast and furious. But in terms of intensity it felt ok. No way near as hard as I'd imagined. Although I must confess I was a bunch passenger rather than one of the drivers. Frustratingly, I had to pull out of the race with four laps to go because of more screeching from the back wheel. I was plagued with thoughts it might suddenly lock up and before you could say "hold your f'ing line" twenty guys would be sprawled all over the circuit.

At the end of the race Phil Sheehan introduced me to a South African guy called Claud, ex European pro-rider, but now a mechanic. Anyway him and I rode back to North London and he has promised to help sort out the dodgy wheel problem. Hopefully I'll do another crit on Saturday... Oh and guess how many seperate people from Saturday's 3/4 race assumed I or another ACC rider was in the winning break? Three people. And worst still they all thought there was blocking going on upfront but did nothing about it. Grrrr!

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