Monday 7 April 2008

Rubbish Legs

No not Rebecca Romero. She had great legs on the day and is consequently now The Female World Pursuit Champion. In fact I don't mind admitting that I had a tear in my eye when I saw her celebrating after her win. Nine gold medals!: its definitley a great time for British Track Cycling. Today I decided would be great day to include some pursuit style interval efforts in my training. It went really well - NOT! I struggled to hold 18 mph on the flat and unlike on Friday I couldn't blame this on the wind. I'm still not sure what went wrong but my legs were simply incredibly weak. So after 45 minutes of "sit up and beg paced riding" I packed my bags metaphorically speaking and rode back home just in time to catch the re run of Devolder's inspirational 92nd Ronde van Vlaanderen win on Eurosport.

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