Tuesday 29 April 2008

Sweet Spot Ride: At The Movies

I gotta give props to my racing buddy Adam Cotterell (TSN) and Hollywood Legend, Micheal Douglas for tonight's workout. In his blog Adam mentioned how his 2hr average power in a recent E123 race was 270watt (nice number to aim at). Micheal Douglas, starred in one of my favourite movies ever "falling down" - a perfect distraction during my 90 minute 'sweet spot ride'

Of course I should've been at Palace tonight but it got rained off.
So the aim was to match Adam's 270watt on the KK trainer whilst absorbing an award winning performance by Catherine Zeta Jones's husband. Things got going as Micheal Douglas (Bill) was outraged at the price of a can of coke in a Korean's store. There were intermediate turbo sprints during the 'breakfast at the Burger Chain Store', 'chilling on the gang members patch', 'shopping at the red necks army surplus store' and finally 'while our anti-hero gate crashed some old fogies playing golf'. I'm sure I was no way as near as tired as Adam was at the end of his race. In fact the 284 AV watts felt pretty good. Poor Micheal paid for his delusional fuck the world effort by dying at the end of the movie though. Excellent!

1 comment:

Piotrek said...

Falling Down is such a perfect "guy movie". I watched it 3 times.