Monday 28 April 2008

43 laps around the Sun

Last Friday was my birthday. It wasn't a classic and in fact I would've happily forgotten about it but for work colleagues, family and friends. My 12 year old son reminded me that I'd promised him money towards he's newly opened bank account so my £50 cash birthday money kindly donated by my mother somehow skipped a generation. Oh well my son was happy enough. OK so what bike accessory do you obsesses about most? Mine is helmets I've now got seven of them; and they're not necessarily top quality one's either.

I have a bit of a thing for hats too so I guess it follows suit that I should like Helmets. My latest lid, a white MET, was bought from JE James in Sheffield ...Saturday was also a well earned day off the bike. On Sunday my work schedule meant no endurance riding so I juston huffed'n'puffed my way through a late night set of 3 x 20's. I'm not sure if Palace will be on this week due to lots of the wet stuff about to be unleashed tomorrow afternoon in London. If it is, Wednesday may well be vo2 max training day. Yikes :-(

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