Friday 23 May 2008

Palace: 4 out of Ten

There were only 50-60 3/4 riders at Palace this week (21/05/07). With a few of stronger 3rd cats moving up to 2nd cat and one or two sampling things at Hillingdon it meant the pace wasn't quite the rip roaring affair of previous weeks. If you were still unfortunate enough to fall away that would be us 'agreeable' chaps you should thank. Both Kieran and Palace debutant Mike still managed to keep things nice and spicey for the first few laps

Eventually Mike and a Dulwich Paragon rider made their successful bids for freedom with around 10 laps to go; some bunch pacing from my good self and the arrival of the E12 shift workers created enough of a distraction and the two they stayed away. A lap later two became three when Hal (ACC) launched himself across on the climb. Then with a little more Addiscombe stress busting at the front of the bunch and we all settled in for a moderately paced affair.

Since the top three position were assured I decided to lead everyone up the climb for the final time and myself and Steve (ACC) bagged 10th and 9th spot respectively. So ACC had four in the top ten. Mmmm...getting better and my first point of the season. Well...I've never been one to rush things ;-)

1 Valvas Grabahskas Dulwich Paragon
2 Hal Bransby Addiscombe CC @ 3 secs
3 Michael Wallis Addiscombe CC
4 Felix English Corridori @ 18 secs
5 Jason Green London Dynamo/Cyclefit
6 David Arthur RCUK
7 David Reece Dulwich Paragon
8 Steven Broomfield Addiscombe CC
9 Matt Goodes De Laune CC
10 Toks Adesanya Addiscombe CC

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