Monday 26 May 2008

Bank Holiday Threshold Training: 2 x 20

I haven't done a 2 x 20 in a few weeks now. The non-stop rain this bank holiday Monday ruled out a long endurance ride so it was with some trepidation that I got out Kylie (KK Turbo trainer). My Ipod's f'd so distraction would have to come from a DVD. I went for 2005 TDF, the stage won by George Hincapie. The first 20 was typically real hard work - av cadence 90rpm; gears 53/17 av power 318watts. I took a well deserved ten minute break where I sent an email, devoured a packet of Thai chilli crisps read two text messages and swallowed half a can of coke.

The second twenty minute period was slightly less stressful and completed at 320watts. I'm not sure whether my fitness has really improved much since I started racing in mid March but that session felt pretty tough. Big George's sprint win against Oscar P has to be the laziest lumbering sprint win ever :-)


snoopdoug said...

Hey dude - just seen your note about 2x20 versus 5x5. I prefer the latter. Trouble is coach Viney's got me on the 3x20 trail :( Maaaaan that's gonna hurt. My back's a bit cattled after lots of hard gardening on the weekend. Was good to win the hacp on Saturday - my first race prize - yay!! No race for me this weekend - hope to do the club run I may try to hang on to the training group for a mile or two :)

Ade Merckx said...

Well done on the handicap win. I'll be there on sat(7th)I've got a friend who wants to come on the JFF ride. 'I love 2/3 x 20's my favourite workout