Sunday 4 May 2008


A collection of thoughts that troubled my brain while blasting along the A40 on my commute to Buckinghamshire last Sunday

1. If I run over one of these baby rabbits that keeps darting across the road its gonna be really messy. And they'd better die instantly cause I hate that limb flapping stuff that happens. In fact there's no way I could put a furry little creature out of its misery.

2. If you were a cool hip teenager how would you explain to your mates in London that you live in a place called live in Stoke Poges

3. Onedin Line. WTF?(God Sunday night TV on BBC1 was bad in the 1970's)

4. What makes someone want to ride a 12 hour TT?

5. Why can't that 75 year old Nigerian lady, Mum, cook as well as she used to?

6. If you somehow keep catching yourself watching the same Pussy Cat Doll video is that a bit pervy?

7. Why do people seem to work together to bring back breakaways I'm in; but not the other way around?

8. Where are the Willesden CC boys?

9. Does Boris Johnson really like cyclists?

10. Shall I tell the parents of the client I saw today that the school they fought so hard to get their son into is widely thought of as RUBBISH

Average speed 20mph, total distance 77miles. Consumed - 1 kit kat, 2 bottles of lucozade sport, a chicken salad sandwich.

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