Sunday 1 March 2009

Brownie Points up for grabs

Fellas be honest. When was the last time you spent a significant amount of time with your partner doing something that you'd really rather not do? So... we're talking shopping in John Lewis for soft-furnishings; laying down bathroom floor tiles at her mother's house when you could be watching a TDF highlights; hunting for baby clothes for her Aunt in Next or going to watch Sex in the City movie and missing the Crystal Palace mid week crit (thank God it rained!) Now I should point out that none of this testosterone-blocking nonsense can be attributed to the lovely Stephanie G.

But! - oh yes there has to be a but - a month ago she suggested that we do a 70 mile sportiv. What in early March?...Together?. No! No! No!...lets pretend she didn't say it. At the time I was overcome emasculation anxiety and I secretly hoped she'd suffer Sportive Amnesia till at least May. No such luck she reminded me about it constantly and in the end I relented...

So imagine, me (AdeMerckx) pegged at a 13mph average while lots of blokes ride blithely past. Arrgghhhh!!!!!!Ok so it wasn't that bad - but these Sportiv things are surely meant for the summer, right?. Who wants to be riding for six hours on a late winter/early spring afternoon? Go on the Addiscombe Forum to see reports from me (Toks) and Stephanie.

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